ILLC Address list

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This information is taken from the database of the ILLC Buro:
please inform the ILLC Buro (not the webmaster) if any of the information above is incorrect or incomplete.

OTT=Oude Turfmarkt 141
C3=Science Park 904
F1/F2=Science Park 107
TDP=Turfdraagsterpad 3

PhD Candidates

Name Room Phone Email
Rodrigo Almeida F1.22c
Aleksi Anttila F1.11
Seth Aycock L6.53
Joris Baan L6.56
Dominik Bachmann LAB42-L6.44
Jan Bakker
Alban Bastiaan
Anna Bavaresco L6.53
Orsola Borrini
Congfeng Cao LAB42-L6.58
Fengxiang Cheng F2.08
Julian Chingoma LAB42-L6.36
Rochelle Choenni LAB42-L6.43 020-525 1606
Tianyi Chu F1.16
Marianne de Heer Kloots LAB42-L6.58
Maurice Dekker
Sabina Domínguez Parrado
Madhukar Dwivedi
Lynn Engelberts L210 020-592 4368
Lyke Esselink F1.11
Pedro Ferreira LAB42-L6.50
Marten Folkertsma CWI-L210
John Gkountouras
Dmitry Grinko CWI-L230
Lide Grotenhuis F1.22c4
Michael Hanna
Niels van der Heijden
Linda Hofman
Xuan Huang LAB42-L6.28
Evgenia Ilia L6.56
Noah Jaffe
Eline de Jong F1.43
Jaap Jumelet LAB42-L6.53 020-525 7150/8260
Henry Kalter F1.11
Danish Kashaev J237 020-592 4386
Daniil Khaitovich F1.16
Tomasz Klochowicz F1.11
Johannes Kloibhofer F1.22c3
Sophie Klumper M236 020-592 4160
Soeren Knudstorp F1.11
Alina Leidinger F2.08
Jiaxin Li LAB42-L6.28
Jason Lin LAB42-L6.29
Junqiao (Randy) Lin
Jelena Mackeprang L229
Bruno Nadalic Sotic
Sophie Nagler
Vera Neplenbroek
Niels Neumann CWI-L225
Thijs Ossenkoppele F1.11 020-525 3266
Daniël Otten F1.22C 6
Anna Palmann
Maria Chiara Parisi F1.16
Charlotte Pouw LAB42-L6.28
Hugh Reilly
Valentin Richard F2.08
Jos Ritmeester
Pablo Rivas-Robledo F1.22c7
João Sá LAB42-L6.29
Örsan Şenalp
Arie Soeteman
Angela van Sprang
Aditya Surikuchi F2.08
Maria Tepei
Xiaoyu Tong L6.56
Quinten Tupker L230 020-592 4308
Marcus van Toor
Marcel Vélez Vásquez LAB42-L6.28
Ivo Verhoeven LAB42-L6.58
Oskar van der Wal LAB42-L6.44 020-525 1606
Haitian Wang L6.36
Jordi Weggemans CWI-L210
Fei Xue F1.16
Dilek Yamali OT
Puyu Yang L6.56
Luiza Yuan F2.08
Zhi Zhang LAB42-L6.53
Woxuan Zhou F1.16

Guest PhD Candidates

Name Room Phone Email
Qian Chen F1.22C1
Raoul Koudijs F2.08
María Marín Morales
Haoyu Wang

This information is taken from the database of the ILLC Buro:
please inform the ILLC Buro (not the webmaster) if any of the information above is incorrect or incomplete.