ILLC Address list

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This information is taken from the database of the ILLC Buro:
please inform the ILLC Buro (not the webmaster) if any of the information above is incorrect or incomplete.

OTT=Oude Turfmarkt 141
C3=Science Park 904
F1/F2=Science Park 107
TDP=Turfdraagsterpad 3

PhD Candidates

Name Room Phone Email
Rodrigo Almeida F1.22c
Aleksi Anttila F1.11
Seth Aycock L6.53
Joris Baan L6.56
Dominik Bachmann LAB42-L6.44
Jan Bakker
Alban Bastiaan
Anna Bavaresco L6.53
Orsola Borrini
Congfeng Cao LAB42-L6.58
Fengxiang Cheng F2.08
Tianyi Chu F1.16
Marianne de Heer Kloots LAB42-L6.58
Maurice Dekker
Sabina Domínguez Parrado F1.22c
Madhukar Dwivedi
Lynn Engelberts L210
Lyke Esselink F1.11
Pedro Ferreira LAB42-L6.50
John Gkountouras
Lide Grotenhuis F1.22c4
Michael Hanna
Niels van der Heijden
Linda Hofman
Xuan Huang LAB42-L6.28
Evgenia Ilia L6.56
Noah Jaffe
Eline de Jong F1.43
Henry Kalter F1.11
Danish Kashaev J237 020-592 4386
Daniil Khaitovich F1.16
Tomasz Klochowicz F1.11
Johannes Kloibhofer F1.22c3
Sophie Klumper M236 020-592 4160
Soeren Knudstorp F1.11
Alina Leidinger F2.08
Jiaxin Li LAB42-L6.28
Jason Lin LAB42-L6.29
Junqiao (Randy) Lin
Jelena Mackeprang L229
Claudia Montanaro
Bokar N'Diaye
Bruno Nadalic Sotic
Sophie Nagler F1.22c
Vera Neplenbroek
Thijs Ossenkoppele F1.11 020-525 3266
Daniël Otten F1.22C 6
Anna Palmann
Maria Chiara Parisi F1.16
Charlotte Pouw LAB42-L6.28
Louis Ravn F2.07
Hugh Reilly
Valentin Richard F2.08
Jos Ritmeester
Pablo Rivas-Robledo F1.22c7
João Sá LAB42-L6.29
Michelle Schimmel
Örsan Şenalp
Arie Soeteman
Angela van Sprang
Aditya Surikuchi F2.08
Maria Tepei
Xiaoyu Tong L6.56
Quinten Tupker L230 020-592 4308
Marcus van Toor
Marcel Vélez Vásquez LAB42-L6.28
Ivo Verhoeven LAB42-L6.58
Oskar van der Wal LAB42
Haitian Wang L6.36
Fei Xue F1.16
Puyu Yang L6.56
Luiza Yuan F2.08
Zhi Zhang LAB42-L6.53
Woxuan Zhou F1.16

Guest PhD Candidates

Name Room Phone Email
Qian Chen F1.22C1
Raoul Koudijs F2.08
Haoyu Wang

This information is taken from the database of the ILLC Buro:
please inform the ILLC Buro (not the webmaster) if any of the information above is incorrect or incomplete.