Financial matters

Please also take a look at the section on Finances on the Support and Information pages of the ILLC website.


  • Travel & training budget

    An overview of various ways in which you can revceive budget for attending conferences, research visits and training costs is given in the table below. This amount should be seen as a guideline.

    All PhD candidates at ILLC are entitled to a personal budget for travel expenses made, for instance, by attending a conference or symposium.

    On top of your personal travel budget, you may also be reimbursed for costs made by attending (summer) schools such as ESSLLI, or non-academic training programmes. There is a separate budget for this for PhD candidates funded by the UvA, PhDs with a grant and self-funded PhD candidates. PhD candidates funded by NWO and EU should be able to get these costs reimbursed from travel budget on their project. If this is not the case, the ILLC will reimburse you.

    NB: Please make sure to obtain permission from your mentor/supervisor in advance for any activity you want to get reimbursed. In order to obtain reimbursement for attending (summer) schools or non-academic tranining programmes, you also require permission from Peter van Ormondt. The only exception is ESSLLI, which all PhD candidates may attend. The maximum amount for reimbursement of costs for attending ESSLLI will be set each year. Send an e-mail to to find out what it is.

    You can find out how to get your costs reimbursed here.

    Budget available to PhD candidates at the ILLC
    Budget for: Amount Comments
    Travel / conferences € 2.000 / year Funding available if required1
    Training and (summer) schools (ESSLI etc.) variable2; about € 1.000 per year Funding available if required1
    Dutch language courses two courses at the INTT only for non-native PhD Candidates


    This amount is more of a guideline rather than an absolute maximum. See for more info: Travel budgets - ILLC Wiki (

    1 PhD candidates employed by the Faculty of Humanities have a personal education budget totalling € 1,000 at their disposal for the duration of their appointment, the so-called 'rugzakje'. This budget must be depleted before you are eligible to receive reimbursement for summer schools and suchlike from the ILLC. Costs can be declared at the Graduate School of Humanities. You will need permission from your supervisor.

    2 PhD candidates on externally funded projects (EU/NWO, etc.) generally have budget for travel and training costs available on their project. If necessary, ILLC will add to this.

  • Bonus for PhD candidates who finish their dissertation on time

    Start date: 1 March 2017 (previous regulations)

    In order to be eligible for a bonus, the PhD defense must take place at the University of Amsterdam under the supervision of an ILLC member. The following rules hold for all types of PhD contracts, including 4-year and 3-year contracts at the Faculty of Science or the Faculty of Humanities, as well as contracts with a combination of 0.8 FTE PhD/0.2 FTE teaching position at the Humanities.

    • The PhD candidate receives 2,000 Euro if the dissertation is approved by the committee before the end of the UvA contract.
    • The PhD candidate receives 1,000 Euro if the dissertation is approved by the committee within three months after the end of the UvA contract.
    • The PhD candidate receives 500 Euro if the dissertation is approved by the committee within six months after the end of the UvA contract.

    For PhD candidates with an external scholarship or self-funded (i.e., without a UvA contract), the same rules hold relative to the end of the agreed term, as determined at the start of their PhD.

    In case of contract extensions due to sick leave or parental/pregnancy leave, the period for the bonus payment is extended accordingly.

    The bonus can be paid in two ways, either as reimbursement of costs connected with the PhD defense (e.g. costs of the reception) or paid out directly via the salary administration as a taxable amount (which is less favourable).


  • Reimbursement Doctorate Committee

    In case there are foreign members on your Doctorate Committee and you graduate at the Faculty of Science the expenses of one member from abroad will be covered. These expenses only include:

    • 2 hotel nights
    • 1 'normal' airline or train ticket

    Please contact the ILLC Office for assistance. In case your primary affiliation is NLP & DH, TCS or LMC, contact . If your primary affilication is MCL, EPS or FSPL, contact .

    In case you graduate at the Faculty of Humanities, please contact .


  • Expenses related to the graduation and printing the dissertation

    The main expenses you will incur in rounding off your PhD will be the cost of printing your dissertation, and the cost of giving a reception and/or dinner.

    Printing your dissertation will cost you, on average, between 500 and 1500 euros. Note that the estimates you get from printing shops can be a lot lower, but these figures usually don't include the cost of the cover of your dissertation, the cost of any work to be done on the files you submitted, or taxes.

    If you hold your reception at the Agnietenkapel/Aula of the University, it will cost you between 250 and 500 euros. The cost of any dinner or party depends, of course, on where you hold it.

    The ILLC will pay 500 euros towards the printing costs for each dissertation written by an ILLC PhD candidate and published in the ILLC Dissertation Series. This does not apply to PhD candidates with CWI employment. The CWI has its own arrangements.
    The PhD candidate, including those with CWI employment, will donate 3 copies of their dissertation to the ILLC Office. Please send or bring these copies to:

    ILLC Office
    Room F1.44
    Science Park 107
    1098 XG Amsterdam

    If you still have an employment contract with the UvA, please use the Employee Self Service to get the maximun amount of 500 euro paid into your account. 
    If you are no longer employed by the UvA, please use the reimbursement form for non-UvA employees.
    In both cases, make sure to have a copy of the printing invoice. You also have to include a number, called the 'WBS-element'. Please contact to ask for this number before reimbursing.

    Employee Self Service

    reimbursement form for non-UvA employees

    You can send copies of your dissertation to your committee members through the UvA post system, and also copies to other relations within Europe (no limit) and outside Europe (max. 10 copies). The ILLC will cover these costs. If you need to send out more than 10 copies to people outside of Europe, you should do so at your own cost via the regular post office.