Finding help

If you are experiencing problems, with your PhD trajectory or beyond, do not hesitate to seek help or support.


  • At the ILLC

    Your main supervisor is the first person you can talk to about problems related to your PhD. However, if the nature of the problem is such that it cannot be discussed with any of your supervisors, there are other people at the institute you can get support from.

    PhD Programme management

    If you have doubts or questions about aspects related to the PhD Programme, for instance concerning regulations or opportunities for additional training or coaching, your first point of contact is the programme coordinator. You may also contact the PhD Programme director.

    Should you have questions, complaints, worries, problems, personal issues, etc. that you do not feel comfortable discussing with your supervisor, please feel free to contact the PhD programme director or other mebers of the ILLC management team. They can listen, give advice, refer you to others or take action if necessary. Whatever you discuss with these confidants will, of course, remain confidential. Involving a third party or taking action will only be done after receiving your explicit permission. 

    PhD Programme director (Maria)

    At the ILLC  sexual intimidation, bullying, aggression, violence, stalking and discrimination will not be tolerated.

    Here is a link to the social safety page of the UvA where you can find information on what to do in case you experience an unsafe situation or undesirable behavior at the UvA. 

    Please also have a look at the Uva Code of Conduct.


    PhD Programme eValuation Committee (PVC)

    Issues related to supervision or to any other aspects of your PhD trajectory can also be discussed with the PVC, a committee consisting of members of the research staff at the ILLC who can act as additional advisers for PhD candidates.  


  • At the UvA

    Confidential adviser for undesirable behaviour

    The UvA aims to prevent and combat sexual intimidation, bullying, aggression, violence, stalking and discrimination. If you experience one of this problems, do not keep it to yourself and report it! Talk to a fellow PhD candidate, to your buddy, to the ILLC coach or PhD programme director.
    You can also get support from one of the University's confidential advisers for undesirable behaviour. You can read on the website who they are and what to do when you are confronted with this kind of behaviour.

    UvA's confidential advisers

    Academic Integrity adviser

    All those involved with teaching and research at the University of Amsterdam have an individual responsibility with respect to the maintenance of academic integrity. At each UvA campus there is a confidential adviser specialized in academic integrity, who can be approached for questions or complaints in this respect. If possible, they will seek to mediate or find a solution for the complaint, failing which they will refer you to the Academic Integrity Committee, where a formal complaint about a possible violation of academic integrity can be lodged.

    UvA page on academic integrity

    UvA page on social safety

  • Psychological support

    A number of recent surveys have shown that PhD candidates are at risk of experiencing emotional difficulties during their PhD.
    If you feel upset or depressed, please do not hesitate to reach out for help. PhD candidates can make use of the services provided by the Student Psyhologists Office. For an individual meeting or information on training specifically designed for PhDs, you can contact their office. An overview of workshops and training activities related to stress management and relief is available on their website.

    The university doctor (bedrijfsarts) or your own GP can also offer confidential support for both physical and psychological issues.
    If you need psychological help immediately, you may also contact the UvA student doctors at 020-5252878.

    UvAPro PhD Survey 2015: Are UvA PhD candidates at risk of depression?

    UvA's psychologists

    University doctor (bedrijfsarts)

    UvA student doctors

    UvA pages on health and wellbeing