Quick links
- Looking for open PhD positions? If any are currently available, you can find them here.
- If you have secured your own funding, you can apply for admission to the ILLC PhD programme with the online application form.
In order to be a PhD candidate in the Netherlands, you need a degree equivalent to a Dutch Master's degree. The ILLC only hires PhD candidates with research experience. Typically, this has been acquired by writing an MA or MSc research thesis.
How to become a PhD candidate
There are two ways of becoming PhD candidate at the ILLC:
- By being selected for a funded position advertised by the ILLC. You are then hired as a PhD employee (employed promovendus) by the ILLC.
- If you have another source of funding (a grant, or self-funded), you can apply directly to the ILLC PhD programme.
Please do not send unsollicited job applications to the ILLC directly. Instead, follow the instructions in the job advertisement or on the application form closely.
Funded positions
In order to be hired as an employee, you will need to apply for one of our vacancies. Typically, there will be around five to ten advertisements for PhD positions per year. There is no particular time of the year during which you should look out for these; they may be advertised at any time throughout the year.
The ILLC advertises two types of funded positions:
- Positions funded externally by the NWO, the EU or other organisations. These positions come with a precise project description specifying the PhD thesis topic and the supervisor. Only apply if you are fascinated by the project described!
- Positions funded by direct UvA funding. These positions may specify the area of research but leave the precise project description open. Here, you are expected to set up a research project yourself, together with a mentor/supervisor.
For every open position, the institute will put together a selection committee. This committee consists of at least three qualified researchers.
Applying directly to the PhD programme
You can also apply directly to the ILLC PhD programme, if you have secured funding via an international programme or scholarship from a foreign ountry, or if you have your own private funding. In that case, you may send an application requesting admission. Successful applicants are expected to satisfy the following admission requirements: (i) a master degree in a relevant discipline; (ii) academic excellence; (iii) research experience, typically acquired by writing an MA or MSc research thesis; (iv) research interests matching the research pursued at ILLC; (v) English language proficiency; (vi) an ILLC senior staff member willing to supervise the PhD project. The admission procedure is as follows.
- Fill out the online application form.
- If your application is positively evaluated, the admission process might include an online interview.
- You will receive a definitive decision regarding admission within six weeks of your application, except during the summer months when this may take longer.
- In accordance with the procedure followed for all PhD candidates, a report must be drawn up and submitted at nine months, after which an assesment interview will be held at 12 months. During the assessment interview, a decision will be taken as to whether or not your position will be extended to the full four years. More details can be found here.
Non-EU applicants
Work permit for non-EU candidates
If you are not from an EU country, becoming a PhD candidate at the ILLC - with or without employment - involves the application for a work permit by the University of Amsterdam. This is generally no problem if you are going to be employed. In order to be eligible for a work permit as a non-employed PhD candidate, you will need to prove that you have a certain minimum amount of money available. Currently (2024), the minimum monthly amount for a single person is around € 1,565. If you come with your partner € 2,235. You can prove this either by having an appropriate grant from your home country or by providing proof of personal savings. Because legislation in this matter changes rapidly, it is not possible to give more specific information. This matter can either be discussed during your application to the ILLC PhD programme or after your admission. For general information on immigration procedures and work permits for academic visitors.